Platform’s philosophy is to do the right thing. We are fortunate enough and have the desire to help others and will use our resources to assist communities within which we work. Our charitable work, provides a hands-on approach through volunteering, providing development expertise, mentoring, and donations for projects.
In 2022, we began working with Mind in Brent, Wandsworth and Westminster. We are actively volunteering and fundraising on their behalf. From running the Royal Parks Half Marathon to putting our DIY skills to use in the makeover of the Lookahead community hub, to organising an art fundraiser with Portugal Prints. Our partnership continues to thrive and in March 2022 we took it one step further and fully fund the Mind BWW Green Minds programme. In partnership with The Royal Parks, this initiative aims to combine expertise from both organisations for the benefit of a group of people facing mental health challenges by providing tailored access to nature. Each month members of the group attend meetups, along with a Platform volunteer at Hyde Park and participate in activities aimed to improve well-being and increase connection to nature.
“One of the main benefits I have observed throughout this program is the positive impact it has on people’s moods (including my own). I have seen many participants walk into these sessions appearing quite flat, reserved, and anxious, but when they engage in nature activities you can visibly see they become much more animated, relaxed, and communicative. This has a knock-on effect as the participants, some of whom are struggling with loneliness and isolation, are interacting with nature and each other and forming friendships. It’s amazing to see the power of nature and its impact on our wellbeing.” Tom Acres, Community Lead at Mind in Brent & Westminster