The Acre at 90 Long Acre is a landmark office building in the heart of Covent Garden owned by Northwood Investors. This project illustrates how Platform can deliver the optimum long-term development opportunity of an asset, while repositioning it in the short-term to maintain income and enhance value.
Platform was appointed in 2013, initially delivering a phased reinstatement of 50,000sqft of the existing office accommodation, along with a full refurbishment of the building entrance that included landscaping and high-quality reception finishes. This delivered a short-term asset management plan for the building, whilst longer-term redevelopment plans were prepared.
During this short-term asset management phase studies for the redevelopment of the site were commissioned. Consent for a comprehensive mixed-use redevelopment of the site was granted in December 2015. However, prior to vacant possession, the business plan was reassessed resulting in a significantly different development proposal, branded as The Acre. Planning permission was granted in November 2020 for an extensive repositioning of the building, in which over 80% of the original structure is retained, reducing embodied carbon to half that of an equivalent new build development. In addition to being a highly sustainable building, other features focus on the health and wellbeing of occupants for the post-covid era. Works on site commenced at vacant possession in July 2021.
Client: Northwood Investors
Role: Development Director
Use: Mixed Use Commercial
Size: 240,000 sqft NIA Office / 20,000 sqft NIA Retail
Cost: Confidential
Programme: 2013 - 2024